During this week there is considerable stretching, backwards and forwards. Every part of the body is being exercised. Whether we can partly or fully manage them, we should attempt all postures from the first day. Gradually we will tackle them better and better.
Most postures will help promote firmness and flexibility of the spine and joints. This newfound suppleness will blend with strength and coordination. There will be enhanced cardiovascular fitness. We feel a growing sense of physical confidence and overall well-being.
In this computer age much of our time is spent in company of our magic screens. The eye exercises come as a soothing workout. They tone all the external muscles of the overtired eyeball and give them perfect relaxation.
Half Bow posture I– Ardha dhanurasana I
- Lie on tummy, arms alongside body, palms up, chin on floor. (Fig 197)
- Stretch left arm forward. Bend right knee and catch right ankle or toes with right hand. Breathing in, slowly raise right leg and head off floor. Keep back well arched. (Fig 198)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, lower right leg and head.
- Repeat with left leg, right arm stretched forward.
Half Bow posture II– Ardha dhanurasana II
- Lie on tummy, arms alongside body, palms up, chin on floor. (Fig 197)
- Stretch left arm forward. Bend right knee and catch right ankle or toes with right hand. Breathing in, slowly raise right leg and head off floor. Keep back well arched. Raise left arm and leg a few inches off floor. (Fig 199)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, lower arms, legs and head.
- Repeat with left arm catching left leg, right arm stretched forward.
Locust posture– Purna Salabhasana
- Lie on tummy, arms alongside body, legs together, forehead on floor. (Fig 200)
- Breathing in, raise head, arms and legs off floor. Keep arms parallel, shoulder width apart, legs straight and close together. Breathe out. (Fig 201)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, lower head and limbs.
Fish Posture III – Matsyasana III
- Sit upright with legs stretched. Breathe out. (Fig 202)
- Lean backward to allow forearms to rest on floor behind hips. (Fig 203)
- Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
- Breathe in, arch back. Slide forearms towards body until head touches floor. Breathe out. (Fig 204)
- Breathe in. Place arms a little away from body, palms up. Bend knees, join soles of feet together. Breathe out. (Fig 205)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathe out. Straighten legs.
- Breathe in. Pressing with palms on either side of head, fingers towards body, lower head to floor. (Fig 206)
- Breathe out. Lower arms alongside body. (Fig 207)
Head to knee posture – Janushirsasana
- Sit upright, legs stretched, feet together, hands on knees. Breathe out. (Fig 202)
- Bend right leg, to rest foot against left thigh. Breathe in. (Fig 208)
- Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, bend forward and hook left big toe with index fingers, (Fig 209) or catch ankles (Fig 210). Touch knees with forehead.
5. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
6. Breathe in, raise body and straighten legs. (Fig 202)
7. Repeat, bending left leg.
Limb spread posture – Utthita hastapadasana
- Stand legs together, arms alongside body. (Fig 211)
- Breathing in spread legs some one metre apart. (Fig 212)
- Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
- Breathing in. Spread arms in line with shoulders.(Fig 213)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, lower arms. Bring legs together. (Fig 211)
Limbs spread posture, Lateral – Parshva hastapadasana
- Stand legs together, arms alongside body. (Fig 211)
- Breathing in, spread legs some one metre apart. (Fig212 )
- Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
- Breathing in. Spread arms in line with shoulders. (Fig 213)
- Turn left leg sideways, at right angle.(Fig 214)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, lower arms. Bring legs together. (Fig 211)
Tree Posture – Dhruvasana
- Stand legs together, arms alongside body. Breathe out. (Fig 211)
- Breathe in. Bend right knee, half lotus. Fold arms in front of chest. Breathe out. (Fig 215)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, lower right leg and lower arms. (Fig 211)
- Repeat, bending left knee.
Stork Posture I, II, III, IV– Padhastasana I, II, III, IV
- Stand, legs together, arms alongside body. (Fig 211)
- Breathing in, raise arms above head, elbows straight. (Fig 216)
- Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, keeping head between arms, bend forward (Fig 217) to place palms flat on floor. (Fig 218) (I),
catch big toes with index fingers (Fig 219) (II), or catch ankles (Fig 220) (III).
5. If unable to catch either toes or ankles, try to touch toes with fingers. (Fig 221) (IV)
6. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
7. Breathing in, straighten up, keeping head between arms.
8. Breathing out, lower arms to sides. (Fig 211)
Eye exercises – Netra Vyayamam
- Sit Lotus, Easy, Thunderbolt or anywise, facing a wall some 10 ft away. (Fig 222)
- Keep the head straight. Only the eyes should move slowly. Fix a point on the wall, level with eyes. Breathe in. (Fig 222)
- Breathing out, slowly lower eyes down the wall and floor towards legs. (Fig 223)
- Breathing in return eyes to starting point. (Fig 222)
- Repeat 3-5 times.
- Breathing out move eyes up the wall and ceiling towards head. (Fig 224)
- Breathing in return eyes to starting point. (Fig 222)
- Repeat 3-5 times.
- Breathe out. Move eyes sideways to right (Fig 225).
- Breathing in return eyes to starting point. (Fig 222)
- Repeat 3-5 times.
- Breathe out. Move eyes sideways to left (Fig 226).
- Breathing in return eyes to starting point. (Fig 222)
- Repeat 3-5 times.
- Rest eyes by winking 5-10 times with closed eyelids, breathing normally.
- Fix starting point on the wall, level with eyes. (Fig 222). Breathe in.
- Breathing out, lower eyes down the wall and floor towards legs. (Fig 223)
- Breathing in, move eyes half a circle, to the right (Fig 227) then above head. (Fig 228)
19. Breathing out, move eyes to the left (Fig 229) and down, (Fig 230) to complete the circle.
20. Repeat 3-5 times clockwise and 3-5 times anticlockwise.
21. Rest eyes by winking 5-10 times with closed eyelids, breathing normally.
CORPSE POSTURE, 5-10 minutes