These first two weeks are devoted entirely to relaxation and deep breathing. This week we are going to learn simple stretching postures. It will help having more awareness of ourselves, master our breathing and synchronise it with mental repetition.
We will notice how stiff and tense our body has grown over the years. How our muscles are tight and rusty. Now we are convinced we can recover some part, if not all of our youthful body. These postures with their lateral, upward and downward stretches will ease all bodily tension. They will limber up the whole body.
The movements are executed slowly with grace, never briskly. Try within limits. Do not overstrain. If found difficult in the beginning, keep on trying during later weeks until mastered. Do not be disappointed by your first attempts. Each day will bring its share of flexibility.
Yoga is known to ease stress and give peace of mind. It will also increase our levels of concentration. And this will last forever!
Mountain Posture – Tadasana
- Stand straight, legs together, arms alongside body. (Fig 22)
FIG 22 - Relax all bodily tension. Distribute body weight on both legs, evenly. Breathe out.
- Breathe in, expanding abdomen only. Breathe out, pulling abdomen in. Breathe to the ratio 1:2. Breathing in 1: Breathing out 2. To help control breathing, place hands on chest and tummy. Only the hand on the tummy should move.
- Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
While performing postures sitting, standing or lying on tummy, Corpse posture may be replaced by any of the above relaxation postures, always with deep diaphragmatic breathing.
1. Palm tree posture – Talasana I
- Stand with legs together. (Fig 22). Breathe out.
- Breathing in, raise arms above head. Stretch upper part of body from waist to maximum. Breathe out slowly. (Fig 23)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds. May be gradually increased to 10 breathing rounds.
- Lower arms alongside body, breathing out. (Fig 22)
2. Palm tree posture – Talasana II
- Stand with legs together. Breathe out. (Fig 22).
- Breathing in, cross fingers, raise arms above head, palms up. Stretch upper part of body from waist to maximum. Breathe out slowly. (Fig 24)
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds. May be gradually increased to 10 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, unlock fingers and lower arms alongside body. (Fig 22)
3. Legs stretching – Padapawanmuktasana
This posture is best performed before sleep and upon waking up.
- Lie flat on back, arms alongside body, palms down, toes pointing up. Breathe out. (Fig 25)
FIG 25 - Breathing in, stretch right leg from hip to toes. (Fig 26)
FIG 26 - Hold tension for 3-5 breathing rounds. Breathe out.
- Repeat with left leg.
- Repeat, stretching both legs together. (Fig 27)
FIG 27
4. Stick posture – Yashtikasana
- Lie flat on back, legs together. (Fig 25)
- Cross fingers, turning palms outwards. Breathe out. (Fig 28)
FIG 28 - Breathing in, slowly raise arms to touch the floor behind the head. Breathe out. (Fig 29)
FIG 29 - Breathing in, stretch the trunk and limbs to maximum, toes pointing down. Breathing out, relax tension slowly.
- Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, lower arms and unlock fingers. (Fig 25)
5. Sideways Stretch I – Gokarasana I
- Lie down, legs together, arms spread in line with shoulders, toes pointing down. Breathe out. (Fig 30).
FIG 30 - Breathing in, stretch right leg sideways to touch right hand. (Fig 31)
FIG 31 - Breathing out, lower leg to starting position. (Fig 30)
- Repeat 3 times.
- Repeat with left leg.
6. Sideways Stretch II – Gokarasana II
- Lie down, legs together, arms spread in line with shoulders, toes pointing down. Breathe out. (Fig 30).
- Breathing in, stretch both legs sideways as far apart as possible. (Fig 32)
FIG 32 - Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathe out brings legs together. (Fig 30)
7. Knee bend I – Ardha Pawanmuktasana
- Lie flat on back, arms alongside body, palms down, toes pointing down. Breathe out. (Fig 33)
FIG 33 - Breathing in, bend right knee to rest on chest. Catch knee with hands. Breathe out. (Fig 34)
FIG 34 - Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Breathing out, stretch leg. (Fig 33)
- Repeat bending left knee.
8. Cat posture – Bitilasana
- Kneel down, legs shoulder width apart, toes flat. Bend forward to rest palm on floor, in line with knees. Breathe out. (Fig 35)
FIG 35 - Breathing in, arch back raising head as far as possible. (Fig 36)
FIG 36 - Breathe out, pull tummy in. Round back and lower head. (Fig 37)
FIG 37 - Repeat 3-5 times.
- Sit back on heels. (Fig 38)
FIG 38
9. Fish shake – Magarasana
- Lie flat on back with arms alongside the body and legs stretched. (Fig 33)
- Breathe out. Shake simultaneously body and limbs. (Fig 39).
FIG 39 - Breathe in.
- Repeat 2-3 times.