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SEVENTH WEEK                         

Shoulder stand will reinforce the beneficial effects obtained from last week’s reverse postures.  It is an advanced version and its effects are more powerful. Follow carefully all the steps and instructions for every posture.  You will be amazed how well you can perform them when done the proper way.

There is no rigid sequence in the performance of the weekly series. It is better to change from one type of posture to another, sitting, standing or lying down. This gives the body some extra movements.

Except at the end of the daily series, there is no need to relax in corpse posture after every posture.  After a sitting posture choose a sitting relaxation posture.  Standing postures can be followed by standing relaxation one.  Lying on back or tummy can be followed by corresponding lying relaxation postures.

Face exercises will bring an additional glow, with all the novel gentle movements and massage.  A plus for all, young and old alike!


Half Cobra I – Ardha Bhujanga asana I

  1. Kneel down. (Fig 136)

    FIG 136
  2. Bring right leg forward. Breathe in. (Fig 137)

  3. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  4. Breathing out, keep spine erect, lower body until palms are flat on floor (Fig 138) or fingers touch floor (Fig 139).
    FIG 138

    FIG 139







5. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.

6. Raise body to (Fig 137).

7. Kneel down. (Fig 136)

8. Repeat with left leg forward


Twisting CrossGokarnasana

  1. Lie on back, arms spread in line with shoulders, palms down. Breathe out. (Fig 140)

    FIG 140
  2. Breathe in. Turn face to left. (Fig 141)

    FIG 141
  3. Breathing out, cross left leg over right leg and dragging on floor to reach right arm. Try to catch right big toe with index.  Keep legs perfectly straight and shoulders flat on floor.(Fig 142)

    FIG 142
  4. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  5. Breathing in, turn head straight, lower leg. (Fig 140)
  6. Turn face to the right and repeat with right leg crossed over left.


Forward BendPaschimotanasana I

  1. Lie on back, legs together, arms alongside body. Breathe out. (Fig 143)

    FIG 143
  2. Breathing in, raise arms to touch floor behind head. (Fig 144)

    FIG 144
  3. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds, stretching both arms and legs.
  4. Breathing out, in one movement sit up (Fig 145) and bend forward touching knees with forehead. (Fig 146)

    FIG 145
    FIG 145



FIG 146
FIG 146
FIG 147
FIG 147







5. Keeping knees straight, elbows resting on floor, catch big toes with fingers (Fig 146) or grasp ankles with hands.(Fig 147)

6. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.

7. Breathing in, in one movement, raise arms (Fig 145) bend backward to lie on floor. (Fig 144)

8. Breathing out lower arms to the sides. (Fig 143)


Forward Bend Paschimotanasana II


  1. Sit erect, legs stretched forwards, feet together, palms on knees. Breathe out. (Fig 148)

    FIG 148
  2. Breathing in, raise both arms above head. (Fig 149) Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.

    FIG 149
  3. Breathing out, bend forward to touch knees with forehead, if possible, and catch big toes. (Fig 146)

    FIG 146
    FIG 146
  4. Otherwise, breathing out, bend slowly forward to catch big toes with fingers or ankles with hands (Fig 150)

    FIG 150
  5. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  6. Breathing in, raise arms. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds. (Fig 149)
  7. Breathing out lower arms to rest palms on knees. (Fig 148)


Wedge PosturePurvottanasana

  1. Sit erect, legs stretched forwards, feet together, palms on knees. Breathe out. (Fig 148)

    FIG 148
  2. Place palms on floor behind hips, fingers pointing forwards. (Fig 151)

    FIG 151
  3. Breathe in. Bend knees to rest soles of feet flat on floor. (Fig 152)

    FIG 152
  4. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  5. Breathing out, raise body, stretching arms and legs. Bend head back. (Fig 153)

    FIG 153
  6. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  7. Breathing out, slowly lower body to sit on floor. (Fig 151)


Shoulder stand PostureSarvangasana

  1. Lie on back, legs together, arms alongside body, palms down. (Fig 143)

    FIG 143
  2. Breathing out, raise legs towards head. Place hands against back to support hips.(Fig 154)

    FIG 154
  3. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  4. Breathing in, raise legs perpendicular to floor, toes pointing up. Keep chin pressed against chest.  Breathe out. (Fig 155)

    FIG 155
  5. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  6. Breathing out, lower arms to floor, lower legs towards head. (Fig 156)

    FIG 156
  7. Breathing in, slowly lower back first (Fig 157) then legs to floor. (Fig 143)

    FIG 157


Plough PostureHalasana

  1. Lie on back, legs together, arms alongside body, palms down. (Fig 143)

    FIG 143
  2. Breathing out, raise legs to touch floor behind head with toes. (Fig 158). If unable to touch floor, hold legs above head (Fig 156).
    FIG 158

    FIG 156







3. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.

4. Breathing in, slowly lower back first, (Fig 157) then legs to floor (Fig 143).


Face Exercises                        

  1. Sit anywise for face exercises.
  2. Puff both cheeks hard. Hold for 2-3 breathing rounds. (Fig 159)

    FIG 159
  3. Puff both cheeks hard. Apply gentle pressure on each cheek, in turn, with fingers, pushing air the opposite side. Breathe normally. (Fig 160, 161)

    FIG 160
FIG 161









4. Draw corners of mouth inside until they touch each other. Hold for 2-3 breathing rounds. (Fig 162)

FIG 162

5. Move chin muscles in circular motion with help of fingers, first to right then to left. Breathe normally. (Fig 163)

FIG 163

6. Insert index fingers at both corners of mouth. Breathe out. (Fig 164) Breathing in, pull gently sideways. (Fig 165) Breathing out, relax.  Repeat 2-3 times.


FIG 164


FIG 165









7. Gently take hold of skin at temple between back of index and middle fingers. (Fig 166)

FIG 166

8. Firmly move up (Fig 167) and down (Fig 168) without raising fingers. Breathe normally. Repeat 2-3 times.

FIG 167
FIG 168








8. Massage nape of neck (Fig 169),

FIG 169

behind ears (Fig 170),

FIG 170









and at temples (Fig 171), moving fingers in circular motion, clockwise and anticlockwise. Breathe normally.

FIG 171




CORPSE POSTURE, 5-10 minutes

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