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BOOK 2 – MEDITATION & YOGA – Chapter 19. Bhakti Yoga – The Ninefold Path Of Devotion.


As explained by Lord Rama to his devotee, Shabari

Lord Rama defines the path of Bhakti as nine fold.  It follows gradually, step by step as the devotee’s worship and devotion grow deeper. Natures differ.  The modes and methods are as manifold.  One may choose one or several of them to reach the Lord.  Only the supremely exalted devotee may possess all the nine forms of devotion.  Shabari was a fine example and was indeed doubly blessed to obtain recognition from Lord Rama himself.

The nine paths of Bhakti are beautifully systematised, one step leading to the next, higher step.  With increasing personal effort, the highest may be reached, leading to attainment of union with the Absolute. The nine steps help the devotee to remain in constant link with the Lord, to intensify His love and worship.

  1. At the outset the aspiring ‘bhakta’, the devotee is advised to seek inspiration in the company of holy persons and saints by visiting their dwelling or gathering places. These saints and Sadhus alone can bring holiness in our life and instill in us divine love. In their constant company, yearning for God increases. This yearning for God will help keep thoughts pure. There arises increasing love of God and a desire to know more about Him.
  2. Listening to legends and stories about His life, His extraordinary exploits and miracles is the greatest attraction. As the ‘bhakta’ comes to know more about God through His stories and legends this yearning is intensified and he finds more and more pleasure in holy thoughts.    Reading the sacred texts about the Lord’s extraordinary exploits and miracles will fill the mind with holy thoughts and bring peace to life.  Longing for God will intensify, reducing worldly desires.
  3. The need for guidance is strongly felt. A Guru’s help is sought. The ever increasing happiness he experiences makes the bhakta feel a sense of gratitude towards his ‘Guru’.  This brings about a desire to serve the latter selflessly. Selfless service to the Guru’s lotus feet teaches unselfishness, humility and detachment.  To serve the guru is to serve God. This will replace egoism, vanity and selfishness.
  4. As love for God increases the bhakta gets more peace and happiness through singing devotional songs. Singing songs in praise of the Lord elevates one’s thoughts. It helps develop awareness of the divine presence.  There is no place for jealousy, hypocrisy and deceit.   The mind becomes pure and guileless and one enjoys mental peace. Despondency, dryness of heart may be remedied or avoided with the help of devotional songs, or selfless service to others.
  5. All the great faiths of the world are unanimous to recognize the power of God’s name. The sacred words or mantras are the sound form or sound body of the Lord. They are charged with spiritual power.  God and His name are inseparable.  The power of God’s name is greater than his relative form as an incarnation. Repetition of the Lord’s names gives direct access to the Lord himself.  The spiritual environment instils in the devotee, a longing to praise God.  He spontaneously feels the need to chant devotional songs, to feel His presence.  Gradually this yearning for his presence becomes more intimate.  The devotee constantly chants the name of God in the privacy of the mind. Chanting His holy names with unswerving faith and constant repetition of the sacred mantras, the name form of God will bring the bhakta yet closer to God as the mantras are charged with the Divine.
  6. Moral discipline is fundamental to a peaceful life. Only a still mind can reveal the Self. A restless mind prevents concentration.  Moderate living brings peace and tranquillity to the mind.  Attachment, greed and desires are the root cause of all evil and suffering in life.  Rather than peace and satisfaction, they create more unrest in life.  The devotee will have to undergo more rigorous practice.  There will result increasing self control and detachment.

Adherence to moral values makes the devotee fulfil his duties as a moral and religious person. Unselfishness, humility towards all, self control, detachment keeps one clear of any desires and cultivates non attachment.  The ongoing purification process will automatically lead the bhakta toward a highly moral and ethical way of living.  The resulting peace stills the mind to enable the revelation of the Self.

  1. The bhakta will then perceive the transcendence and immanence of God. God is everywhere!  Serve the world as one would serve God.  It makes the mind purer. There is no greed, no jealousy, no hatred. God is not different from his creation. From the tiniest to the mightiest, in all resides the one and same Universal spirit.  God is in each of us.  Look to all as the manifestation of God.  See the Lord in every living being.  Perceive the world as God himself. Serve all as one would serve God. The devotee realizes the power of God is more concentrated in saints.  He looks to saints as the highest manifestations of the Lord and service to them will bring him closer to God.
  2. The bhakta will now feel contentment and peace within. Contentment is finding sufficiency and satisfaction in one’s lot. It brings non-attachment and renunciation.  Contentment shields us from temptation, lust and greed which bring suffering. Above all, there is peace and love for all.  There is complete awareness of the Lord’s supremacy and all pervasiveness in our life.

Greed, attachment and ambition rob us of our peace of mind.  Material pleasures are evanescent.  They do not bring satisfaction.  Non attachment frees us from endless selfish and material desires.  Freedom from the bondage of life and death comes to the one who has learnt and put in practice the secret of non attachment.  Detachment shields one from envy, jealousy and hatred.  It generates trust and unselfishness towards others.  There is no room for fault finding and criticism.  The mind becomes peaceful and indrawn.   To a peaceful mind the Lord reveals himself spontaneously.

  1. Having unconditional love for God steadily develops into complete surrender to the Lord. As God reveals Himself the bhakta will find eternal peace in absolute surrender to Him. Surrendering the individual will to the will of God. Becoming His instrument. Having unwavering faith in God. Unconditional love for God.  Making God the goal of life brings holiness peace and harmony in one’s life. The Bhakta thus attains eternal bliss.


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