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BOOK 2 – MEDITATION & YOGA – Chapter 24. Siddha Kundalini Maha Yoga Meditation


Yoga is the most precious gift from God to humanity.  All different yogas are stages to the same goal, God realisation.    They were experienced by the great seers while in communion with their Creator Lord.  Basically there is no difference among various yoga disciplines.  They are not exclusive but overlap each other.

Although they appear simple and easy of achievement, they can only be learnt at the feet of a spiritual master who will give a charged mantra, the gurumantra, which gives direct access to God.  All yoga practices release forces within the body.  Only one who has knowledge and experience of these forces can control them.  If not properly channeled these forces might cause physical, mental and psychological imbalance, even making one a spiritual wreck.

Of the many yogic disciplines that are widely practiced worldwide, Siddha yoga is the least known. Few are aware of this extraordinary practice or the miraculous powers of a siddha guru.  In fact, siddha gurus are quite rare; the reason for the scanty literature on siddha yoga.

Siddha yoga cannot be imparted through theoretical means.    It is possible only through personal direct experience and requires initiation by a siddha guru. It is entirely dependent on the guru’s grace, Shaktipat. Only a siddha guru can transmit his divine power through this process of shaktipat. The siddha guru imparts his divine power to the seeker, spontaneously awakening the disciple’s inner Shakti, the kundalini shakti.

The grace of the siddha guru or gurukripa takes the aspirant to a higher level of consciousness.  The kundalini is the dormant divine energy present in man. When awakened the kundalini brings the mind under control and glides it into an immediate meditative state.  This spontaneous spiritual process leads the aspirant from the lesser to the higher states of superconsciousness.  The kundalini forcing its way up along the spine activates the spiritual centres, chakras, illumining the mind.  Beautiful visions and experiences occur related to these higher states.  Through the guru’s grace the aspirant’s past karmas are rapidly consumed into the spiritual fire of the kundalini.

The different paths of yoga involve long and strenuous practice for the awakening of the kundalini. In quest of spirituality most have to struggle for a whole lifetime; the majority, perhaps several births.  Siddha kundalini mahayoga meditation is the only exception, being entirely dependent on the guru’s grace. The seeker has spontaneous superconscious experiences according to his spiritual needs. Little or no effort is required on the aspirant’s part as opposed to other yogas.  The guru not only initiates, but will throughout support and control the spiritual process as it gradually leads the disciple higher and higher along the path to self realisation. However, moral training forms a vital part of siddha yoga, as in all yogas.

Different times have shown different paths being more popular.  The great majority of humans being more body and mind conscious, there has been a search for physical, mental or intellectual outlets.  Hatha yoga involves physical discipline; Raja yoga and Jnana yoga appeal to intellectual minds.  Thus the abundance of texts on these.  Our new generation having little taste for reading, want to have direct experience, fast.  Siddha yoga fulfils these needs.  Personal experiences occur spontaneously through the grace of the siddha guru.  Unfortunately, siddha gurus are pretty rare.

Siddha Kundalini Maha Yoga is the mother of all yogas. It is the true synthesis of all eight yogas.  It reveals the One truth behind all truths.  Its practice unravels the different yogas according to the aspirant’s needs, physical, mental, intellectual, psychic or superconscious.   One may spontaneously perform postures (Hatha yoga), glide effortlessly into a superlative meditative state (Raja yoga), experience specific kriyas or pranayama (Kriya yoga), chant mantras(Mantra yoga), sing the most melodious devotional songs (Bhakti yoga), gain new knowledge and awareness(Jnana yoga), feel the need for service (Karma yoga) or enjoy superlative visions of lights and colours (Laya yoga). All other yoga paths find their origin and finally converge to Siddha Kundalini Maha Yoga.

Every yoga lead to that same superconscious state experienced through the practice of Raja Yoga.  The higher states of Raja Yoga merge into Siddha Kundalini Maha Yoga.  The only difference being that Raja yoga on its own involves long years of practice while in Siddha Kundalini Maha Yoga the aspirant spontaneously experiences the superconscious state through the grace of a siddha guru who spontaneously awakens his kundalini.  All other yogas require long practice: long struggles with sometimes dangerous or doubtful results.

Sitting on the floor cross-legged, with eyes fixed, opened or closed is not meditation. To meditate, one needs to obtain a live mantra, a gurumantra, from a spiritual master, a siddha guru or another self-realised guru. As in all spheres of life one has to learn from a teacher; so with meditation, the guiding hand of a guru is a real blessing and indispensable. There is nothing more irrational than to try and meditate by oneself. It may take several births before the seeker gains even a streak of spiritual power. Receiving initiation from a guru alone can awaken one’s kundalini spontaneously; or gradually through utterance of the gurumantra.

In Siddha Kundalini Maha Yoga the guru grants his grace through touch, word, look, thought or by his mere presence. Whatever the method, the shaktipat initiation is one.  The awakened Kundalini shakti will make the aspirant undergo various stages of purification through spontaneous movements (kriyas), mudras, hatha yoga postures, spiritual visions or chanting of mantras.

The kundalini alone can unveil to man the superconscious state of his mind and make meditation succeed.  The awakened kundalini is in truth man’s second birth, into the world of the spirit. Man is no more body and mind alone. He is body, mind and spirit, and complete.

It is most erroneous to believe that the awakening of the kundalini is dangerous. There is no danger in rousing the dormant energy.  In every human being it is his potential perfection. Indeed, it is a pity people at large are not aware of this possibility of realizing their divine destiny. It is a natural process and vital in man’s spiritual life. It is our spiritual birth, giving the possibility of realising our divine destiny.  For, Gods we are!

However, attempts to arouse the kundalini through book-knowledge, hearsay or the help of unreliable individuals can prove dangerous indeed. The awakened kundalini creates subtle forces within the body that manifest themselves in myriad ways and necessitate proper and permanent control, which a guru alone can grace us with. Its misuse may result in both physiological and psychological imbalance.

All yoga paths lead to realisation, one path not excluding the others. Eventually all converge and become one.  All these paths have their basis in siddha kundalini mahayoga meditation.  Siddha kundalini mahayoga meditation comes spontaneously and naturally without the least effort. There is no strain, no hardship, except pure bliss. The only technique is the siddha guru’s grace.

Siddha yoga is not a religion but it is a technique, a scientific spiritual practice to be in communion with God.  It is an easy, miraculous path of yoga. This is what makes siddha kundalini mahayoga meditation amazingly unique!

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