Man has consciousness of his physical body, of his physical environment. He has no consciousness of his Higher Self because he cannot see it. His ignorant mind shrouds his spirit. It is vital that every effort be made to realise his real self, the spirit. Only deep meditation will lift the veil of ignorance and reveal to man his true nature. The ultimate goal of meditation is to reach this pure consciousness. It is the highest state of consciousness man can attain and become capable of enjoying his full potential.
If the body does not get sufficient rest and sleep it gets out of gear. So it is with the spirit. The spirit lost in the abyss of the mind and unable to manifest itself has made us run into spiritual bankruptcy. The world is plunged into the greatest ill of all times: spiritual sickness. We suffer today because we have forgotten our true Self, our spirit. Because we have forgotten God, the Universal Spirit. The result is stress, the modern plague. It has destroyed many lives, brought disharmony and disruption everywhere, played havoc with so many otherwise happy families and led humans into all sorts of addiction.
The day man rediscovers his spirit, his true identity, his true nature, his Higher Self, stress will be eradicated and replaced by a state of absolute wellbeing and inner joy, no matter what the bodily condition. The body dies and decays, once its lifespan completed. Only the spirit is indestructible, immortal and eternally alive. At the time of his demise, man’s only possession is his spiritual impressions. These alone will influence his future existence and help him charter his course across the ocean of eternity.
Only when the reality of his Higher Self will dawn on him, will man be blessed with a feeling of supreme calm in the midst of intense, frenzied activity. Meditation will reveal to him the poise and perfect nature of the Higher Self. Man’s physical body and mind relate to the Higher Self as its shadow. Man is the witness-consciousness of his phenomenal life. Neither man’s physical body nor his mind, but only the spirit, his Higher Self is pure and perfect, in the true likeness of His Creator Lord.
We are tourists from the beyond. Life itself, wherever we may be, is the true tourism, not externally but within. The phenomenal world has its limits as man has his own limitations. But the superconscious has unlimited scope because it merges with the Universal Consciousness. Within the superconscious alone can all our dreams and aspirations be fulfilled because once it is unveiled, life itself becomes dreams and aspirations become life.