Prana is the primordial force, the universal principle of energy. Prana is the infinite, omnipresent power of the cosmos. The whole universe is charged with prana.
Of Sanskrit origin, the word ‘Prana’ means life force or vital energy. It is the latent energy out of which all life, all forces, all activities are born. Nothing exists without prana. Wherever there is life or activity in the universe, there is prana. All living organisms from the lowest being to the highest depend on prana to keep alive. Prana is life. Without prana there is no life. Prana is the basis of all life and energy. Prana is the driving power of the universe and is in every manifestation of life.
Any activity whether in the physical, mental or spiritual world is the result of vibration. That vibration is the result of prana. Out of prana is evolved everything that we call force or energy. Every force, physical, mental or spiritual has as basis, prana. Prana manifests as motion, gravity, electricity, magnetism, etc. Invisible, immeasurable and indestructible, prana permeates every iota of life.
In all forms of life, prana is present as the ‘vital energy’. Prana is the cosmic life force that brings inanimate matter to vibrate with life. It is prana that causes the tiny seed to germinate and grow into a huge tree. The magnificent rose blooms thanks to prana. It is the same prana that causes breath, motion in the muscles and makes the blood circulate in our body.
Behind all actions of the body there is prana. The nerve currents and the thought forms are prana. Prana is present as life force or vital energy, to protect, maintain or restore equilibrium in the natural growth or unfoldment of life. Prana nourishes both mind and body. The mind and prana have a special relationship. Prana is intelligence. The mind makes use of prana to express itself in thought. Thought is the highest and finest action of prana; instinct or unconscious thought giving rise to reflex actions is the lowest action of prana. From the highest down to the lowest, every force is but the manifestation of prana.
Prana is plentiful in the air around us. We are bathed in an ocean of prana. The most obvious manifestation of prana in the body is in the motion of the lungs. The air that passes through our lungs through breathing possesses that prana. Should that stop, all other manifestations of force in the body will come to an end. Prana is also absorbed through food and water. Wholesome food, clean water, fresh fruits, vegetables and fresh milk contain an abundance of prana. Sunlight is another source of prana.
There is an intimate connection between life and breath. Without breathing there is no life. To survive we draw prana from the air we breathe. Breathing is the most important biological function of the organism. Every other activity of the body is closely connected with breathing. Breathing is vital for our health, our emotional balance and well being and even for longevity. That is why proper breathing is exceedingly essential.
During respiration our body absorbs prana from inhaled air. In shallow breathing our intake of prana will be low. The lungs working at a fraction of their capacity will allow a limited quantity of prana to be absorbed. The more the prana we can draw from the atmosphere into our system, the greater the chance for us to enjoy optimum health and have reserve prana to fight infection, disease or some other demand.
Proper breathing is the fastest and easiest way to absorb prana. Human beings expose themselves unnecessarily to sickness and disease by haphazard, shallow breathing. Deep breathing uses the lungs to maximum capacity. There is an abundant inflow and absorption of prana. The body is able to build up considerable reserve of prana to help develop enhanced vitality and face any emergency. If deep yogic breathing is practiced until it becomes second nature, there will be an abundance of reserve prana in the organism.
Prana is that force which keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. If there is insufficient prana in our system, the body will degenerate prematurely, as disease develops. Every living form has the power to self repair. Prana bestows this capacity to the living organism. An abundance of prana helps the body protect, preserve and enhance its power of self repair. It also helps develop resistance to all negative influences within or without.
There are people who endure even the worst of hardships, yet never collapse. They always display amazing resistance. They are physically and mentally strong and possess remarkable vitality. It is nothing unusual. Knowingly or unknowingly they have tremendous prana reserve. They breathe the proper way, filling their lungs to full capacity, drawing prana from the cosmic bounty around. They are thus able to store more prana. The more prana that is stored up the stronger the individual, physically and mentally.
Every living organism is exposed to threats or changes in their internal and external environment. In order to adapt to this ever changing environment the organism needs a certain amount of energy. Prana is that vital energy which sustains all living things in their every stage of growth and development. No disease or harm can affect the body if prana is being constantly replenished and there is reserve prana in plenty. Prana will help the organism destroy all germs, bacteria and viruses entering our body through breath, food, drink or through the skin and try to attack our tissues and cells.
If prana is unwisely overtaxed through misuse, waste or dissipation, through lack of proper food, through violating of natural laws, health will suffer. Adaptation to the environment will be faulty. The prana is unable to fight back or adapt itself to the compromised conditions. Health is impaired. The body becomes weak and vulnerable, unable to fight back any attacks. It becomes more prone to various disease, sickness or ill health.
Prana instills self preservation in every organ and tissue. Even the minutest component of the organism, every single cell, uses this power to protect and defend itself and to heal itself. In case of threat, each cell will immediately react to get rid of the invader and safeguard its natural physiological state. If some cells are attacked by some germs, they are weakened. Other cells imbued with an abundance of prana will come to the rescue and will fight against this enemy to ensure that normal conditions of the body are restored. If the body’s defenses fail to protect it, pain, aches, disease and even death may follow.
Contrary to the common belief that drugs and medicines have the capacity to heal, it is in fact the body that heals itself. It is true that medication will protect the body from impending infection or from further deterioration, but the body will ultimately heal of its own. Medication is administered to help this process by temporarily alleviating pain or decreasing inflammation or infection. In the case of a bone fracture, the limbs will be put into a plaster cast for immobilization and proper repositioning only. The bone will heal on its own, naturally.
In fact, ‘green bone fractures’ in children are usually allowed to heal in their own time without any surgical intervention because healthy children have an abundance of prana. Similarly, all plants and animals are steeped with prana and its healing power. Broken branches will re-grow. Animals in nature are exposed to injuries and illness, but they do keep very healthy. Closeness to nature allows their organism to be permeated with prana to protect and heal them.
Wholesome natural foods should be preferred to junk or fast food. Under pressure, the digestive system will try its best to assimilate these. However, sooner or later this constant abuse will result in indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, inflammation of the guts or even cancer. Drinking impure water will invariably introduce germs and parasites into our body, with catastrophic results. When there is a change of season or external temperature fluctuations we may be subject to heat stroke, colds, influenza, allergy etc if we do not take timely precautions. Doubtless the organism will try its best to neutralize these adverse circumstances, but precious prana would be wasted. Recurrent emergency or prolonged stress will diminish prana reserve and weaken the organism’s resistance.
The quantity of prana varies according to its use and abuse or misuse by the individual. If prana is naturally engaged, it will maintain the system in perfect health and harmony and help the body recover from any unforeseen attack. If pressed to work in adverse conditions it will become severely impaired and inordinately weakened. The whole system may collapse. Sudden bouts of emotion, a sudden wave of anger, fear or violence, abuse of sex and such conditions where the body’s balance is imperiled will cause prana to dwindle. The body’s homeostasis is disrupted and it becomes extremely vulnerable to attacks, internal or external, as in the case of tuberculosis, AIDS or cancer. Prana in this deplorable situation is unable to function normally. The organism will gradually or rapidly ebb away.
Our health is dependent on the natural, balanced flow of prana within the body. Prana maintains harmony in our system. Perfect harmony is synonymous to perfect homeostasis. Perfect homeostasis is perfect health.