Every human possesses the power of concentration to a greater or lesser degree. Knowingly or unknowingly we use this power in our daily life. In its simplest form it is the attention we have to pay to anything in our daily activities, reading, singing, cooking, etc.
Absentmindedness or lack of attention will make it impossible to assimilate knowledge or properly grasp the meaning. Very often, if our attention is not focused on any particular thing we do not notice it. Mental energy has to be completely focused to strengthen or increase mental power.
The power of attention is inherent in all beings. It is more a gift of nature, as in animals in their search for food etc. Geniuses in all fields, scientists, mathematicians, musicians, etc make full use of this power of attention. It is the source of all our knowledge and plays a vital role in our life. Through concentration we can better face the difficulties or emergencies of life and protect ourselves from calamities. Everyone would have fared far better in life had they been taught concentration from childhood. They are most successful who display great concentration. Indeed concentration is the secret of success in all spheres of life.
Dissipation is the root cause of all evils. Concentration is the essence of success in all spheres of life. Ninety nine percent of diseases, accidents or suffering is a result of our lack of attention to the laws which govern life and health in the world. The same attention to the observance of moral laws will bring understanding and tolerance towards fellow beings. Humanity will benefit by the resulting peace and harmony. The same attention if directed to spiritual matters will make us more virtuous and religious. It will help us unfold our spiritual nature. It will free man from the bondage of ignorance, delusion, selfishness and leads him to the attainment of health, happiness and harmony.
All the knowledge of the world has been gained through concentration. Mere theorizing has never produced any scientific truth. The tendency has always been to study and observe external things only. The vast majority is guided by the senses. Under the impulse of the senses the mind has the tendency to external attraction. Uncontrolled senses cause distraction. Control of the senses quietens the mind, leading to perfect concentration.
Most people use only two to ten percent of their potential. Only a small minority strives to make use of the power of the mind which represents man’s unlimited potential. Every person should try to make full use of that wondrous power of the mind that is concentration. It is man’s only means to knowledge.