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The Salutation to the sun series, Surya Namaskar, is a superb combination of fourteen postures. It may be performed independently and will amply replace a day’s practice in an emergency. Over the last weeks we have already practiced all the fourteen postures separately.  We will certainly have no difficulty to perform them in a single sequence.  It will be an exciting and fulfilling experience.

No one should attempt Surya Namaskar before having mastered all the fourteen postures.  It will be a waste of time and energy in trying the whole sequence without prior practice in stages.

Do not expect to master the sequence in one attempt. Pay particular attention to the breathing rhythm.  In the beginning we may miss the exact breathing sequence.  Never mind. Slowly it will come on its own.

After each round of Surya Namaskar, take a good five minutes corpse relaxation.  Do deep yogic breathing.


Salutation to the Sun – Surya Namaskar

(Stage I)            

  1. Stand, legs together, hands folded. (Prayer pose) (Fig 314)

    FIG 314
  2. Breathing in, raise arms above head. (Palm tree) (Fig 315)
  3. Breathing out, bend forwards, place palms on floor. (Stork) (Fig 316)

    FIG 316
  4. Bend knees. (Fig 317)

    FIG 317
  5. Breathing in, stretch left leg,(Equestrian) (Fig 318) then right leg backwards. Raise body. (Elephant). (Fig 319)

    FIG 318


FIG 319






6. Breathing out, plunge forward until body is parallel to floor. (Log) (Fig 320)

FIG 320

7.Breathing in, straighten arms at elbows and raise trunk. (Cobra) (Fig 321).

FIG 321

8. Breathing out, raise body up. (Elephant) (Fig 319)

9. Breathing in, bring left leg then right to rest between hands.(Squat) (Fig 322)

FIG 322

10. Breathing out, keeping palms on floor, raise body to (Fig 317), then to (Stork) (Fig 316).

11. Breathing in, straighten up, arms folded. (Prayer pose) (Fig 314).

12. Breathing out, lower arms alongside body.

13. Relax corpse posture, 5 minutes.

14.Repeat, this time stretching right leg backwards first, then left leg.

15. Relax corpse posture, 5 minutes.


Great SealMaha Mudra

  1. Sit upright, legs stretched, feet together. (Fig 323)

    FIG 323
  2. Bend right leg, to rest foot at right angle against left thigh. Lock thumbs together and place palms on left knee. (Fig 324)

    FIG 324
  3. Keep back straight. Breathing in, raise arms above head. Keep thumbs locked. (Fig 325)

    FIG 325
  4. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  5. Breathing out, lean forward and hook left big toe with index fingers. Arch back and press chin against chest. (Chin lock) (Fig 326)

    FIG 326
  6. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  7. Breathe in, raise arms. (Fig 325)
  8. Breathing out, lower arms to knees. (Fig 324)
  9. Unlock fingers. Straighten legs. (Fig 323)
  10. Repeat on opposite side, bending left leg.


Tripod head stand IISalamba shirshasana II

(Stage I)

  1. Kneel down. Place hands on floor either side of knees. (Fig 327)

    FIG 327
  2. Bend to rest crown of head on floor to form a triangle with hands. (Fig 328)

    FIG 328
  3. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  4. Breathing in, raise body. (Fig 329)

    FIG 329
  5. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  6. Take small steps forward (Fig 330) until trunk is perpendicular to floor (Fig 331) and legs rise off floor. (Fig 332)

    FIG 330





FIG 331
FIG 332







8. Bend knees, toes pointing up. Breathe out.  (Fig 333)

FIG 333


9. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.

10. Breathing out, slowly lower legs, (Fig 332)

11. Lower feet to floor. (Fig 328)

12. Sit back on heels. (Fig 334)

FIG 334


13. Rest forehead on hands (Fig 334). Complete 3-5 breathing rounds. Never try to sit or stand up abruptly after head stand to avoid the risk of vertigo.

14. Relax, corpse posture, 5 minutes.


Triangular PostureTrikonasana 

  1. Stand legs together, arms alongside body. Breathe out. (Fig 335)

    FIG 335
  2. Breathing in, spread legs some one metre apart. Breathe out. (Fig 336)

    FIG 336
  3. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  4. Breathing in, raise arms in line with shoulders, palms down. (Fig 337)

    FIG 337
  5. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  6. Breathing out, bend sideways to the right until palm is flat on floor. Keep arms straight, turn face to fix left fingertips. (Fig 338).

    FIG 338
  7. For those unable to reach down, catch ankle (Fig 339).

    FIG 339
  8. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  9. Breathing in, straighten up, keeping arms spread.(Fig 337)
  10. Breathing out, lower arms. (Fig 336)
  11. Repeat on opposite side.



CORPSE POSTURE, 5-10 minutes.

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