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This week we have made considerable progress in our first stage of Surya Namaskar.  The breathing and posture synchronization flow more smoothly.

We will also attempt the yogic head stand.  It gives a complete overhaul to the whole body.  Soon we will realise the many benefits and relief these postures bring us.

Although the yogic head stand appears more difficult to perform, it will in the long run prove far easier. It is quite comfortable to support oneself upside down, in equilibrium.  Suffice that we follow the instructions step by step.  Remember to practice close to a wall or have someone to assist.

Repeat Surya Namaskar stage I


Yogic Headstand PostureShirshasana

Stage I

  1. Sit on raised toes. (Fig 340)

    FIG 340
  2. Interlace fingers. Bend forward, rest hands on floor. (Fig 341)

    FIG 341
  3. Place crown of head down, against interlaced fingers. (Fig 342, 343)
    FIG 342

    FIG 343







4. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.

5. Breathing in, raise body. (Fig 344) Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.

FIG 344


6. Take small steps forward (Fig 345) until trunk is perpendicular to floor and legs rising off floor (Fig 346)

FIG 345
FIG 346








7. Bend knees, toes pointing up. (Fig 347)

FIG 347
  1. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  2. Breathing out, straighten knees (Fig 346) lower legs to floor. (Fig 348)

    FIG 348
  3. Sit back on heels. Rest forehead on hands. (Fig 349) Complete 3-5 breathing rounds. Remember, we should never try to sit or stand up abruptly after head stand to avoid the risk of vertigo.

    FIG 349
  4. Relax, corpse posture, 5 minutes.



CORPSE POSTURE, 5-10 minutes.

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