Case History No 23
Diagnosis: A case of severe long standing allergy.
Patient had been having episodes of severe widespread allergic reaction all over her body. Doctors failed to pinpoint the exact cause or source of these episodes, which used to happen without any apparent reason.
The patient, a middle aged lady had given up hope of any cure.
Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Allergic reactions occur to allergens which are normally harmless environmental substances. These reactions are acquired, predictable, and rapid.
Common allergic reactions include eczema, hives, hay fever, asthma attacks, food allergies, and reactions to the venom of stinging insects such as wasps and bees.
Mild allergies like hay fever are highly prevalent in the human population. Allergies can play a major role in conditions such as asthma. In some people, severe allergies to environmental or dietary allergens or to medication may result in life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.
Treatments include allergen avoidance, use of oral medications such as anti-histamines, steroids etc, immunotherapy to desensitize the response to allergen, and targeted therapy. But many allergens are practically impossible to avoid, such as airborne dust or pollen.
Effects of Meditation
Yoga and meditation gave excellent results in a relatively short period of time. Her meditation provided her with the prana which slowly helped decrease the severity of symptoms. Her condition would later be completely cured.
“We also benefit healthwise. “
“Many of our ailments and allergies suddenly or gradually disappear.”
(Excerpts from article, Prabha Magazine 2, 1991, P 63)