This yoga course has been structured with a very scientific approach. One goes gradually, in easy steps from the very simple postures to the more advanced ones. The body has the time to adapt and progressively gain suppleness and elasticity. It is thus able to perform the new postures and movements with better ease.
The course is in many ways unique. Some 108 postures are arranged in weekly series of different postures. The first eighteen weeks are devoted to learning new postures weekly and reviewing those that have been previously learnt. The step by step illustrations will facilitate the practice. The lessons are arranged so that the sequence of movements is smooth, changing gradually from simple to more complex. This will help increase suppleness and flexibility. Upon completion, the postures are rearranged into daily series, Monday to Saturday, to be repeated every four weeks. Complete in itself, the course is suitable for a lifetime practice.
The remarkable results we have obtained through yoga and meditation in almost four decades of practice are quite impressive, simply astounding. Sometimes, even doctors would recommend our institution to such patients where they remained helpless. Many professionals from the medical field too, came for relief. The volume of healing cases has been astounding especially the many cases given up medically as hopeless. The cases include not only psychosomatic conditions, but also serious physical and mental pathologies.
Almost immediately after starting meditation and yoga, all noticed changes in their condition. There was marked decrease in intensity and seriousness of their disease condition, significant alleviation of symptoms, sometimes complete remission or cure of the disease. Most patients would gradually reduce their medication within one to four weeks. There were even a few cases where all medication could be discontinued overnight.
However, we always advise patients to continue their basic medical treatment regimen until their condition is cured or controlled. In chronic cases like diabetes mellitus, epilepsy etc, it is advisable to continue with medication, albeit in much reduced doses to prevent any relapse or complications.
It is true that practice of hatha yoga, especially for those who are sedentary, will make them lose many extra kilos in the beginning. But this loss in weight will slow down as they continue the practice. One should not expect results too fast. The yogic method proceeds in a slow systematic way and does not try to radically alter anything at one go.
Beginners may experience some stiffness in their body but it should not discourage anyone. Always start the day’s program with a few warming up postures. Allow time for the body to ‘wake up’. Muscular tension or excess body flab will gradually disappear. Tightness in tendons and ligaments will be eased. Joint stiffness will lessen, making them more flexible. There will be more suppleness in the whole body. With practice one feels a sensation of lightness. The body is completely relaxed and rejuvenated.