From time immemorial, sages discovered that meditation is the highest form of prayer. The first seers of the Vedas, and of mankind, showed meditation to be the finest form of existence and God-worship. These men-gods beheld meditation not only as the highest form of activity but perceived it as a necessity to humanity.
These exalted beings meditated for meditation sake, in communion with their beloved Creator Lord. They had discovered the one great truth: the path to man’s spiritual perfection and salvation: meditation. It is the genuine, unique and most sacred supersensuous discipline which alone leads to realisation of God.
The science of meditation was revealed by those seers of truth. They found that the physical body served as a sheath to another, finer body, the spirit. This subtle body has all the power and potential of perfection. The aim of meditation being to realise this perfection. Invariably all religions recognise the importance of meditation.
As they soared higher and higher in their spiritual flights they discovered scientific techniques to reveal the mystery of human life. Since, sages rediscover those same truths: man is potentially divine and took birth in order to attain this perfection, his true nature. Deep within his own self is the infinite source of divine power to help him in his spiritual unfoldment.
These highly evolved souls lay great emphasis upon the unfoldment of man’s inner faculties. As the physical body needs food, rest, regular exercise and congenial settings for its fitness and growth so also the inner body needs favourable conditions for its evolution. The process of meditation enables man to partake of spiritual food from the subtle forces of nature and provide the subtle body the necessary nourishment and ideal conditions for its advancement. Prayer is no more something externalized and separate. It becomes direct personal experience! A constant prayerful attitude makes us feel God within us and we are in God: this is meditation.
No knowledge is possible without the power of meditation. For the ancient seers of India, those giants of spirituality, the meditative state of the mind is the highest state in which the mind exists. The seers kept churning their own souls. Great truths came to the surface and became manifest. Hence, practice of meditation is the great scientific method of knowledge. Meditation rids us of our ignorance and superstition. The mind gets knowledge and the spirit food.
Spiritual illumination is equivalent of activation of all brain cells. Only then does one acquire the full potential of the brain. Humanity’s most sacred duty is to discover the superconscious through meditation!