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BOOK 2 – MEDITATION & YOGA – Chapter 6. The Power Of Meditation.


Meditation is practical religion. One does not meditate for health reasons nor to relieve stress or because it is fashionable; nor for worldly gains. These are akin to the fragrance wafted far and near, that one perceives before unveiling the sacred bloom of its immanence: the spirit (Atma, Self) the holiest of the holy, chiselled to its Creator’s image.

Meditation practised scientifically brings relief to the mind and helps it recuperate its tremendous faculties and subtlety. During sleep the physical body gets good rest and recovers while the mind remains restless and alert. Even in deep sleep the mind remains disturbed. We are subject to nightmares.  Only when in meditation does the brain come almost to a halt. Just a minimum of activity is present. There is no body consciousness in meditation. The body is forgotten. There is so much joy and floating sensation. This perfect rest is only possible in meditation. An hour of meditation brings the most wonderful rest one ever had in one’s life. This is the only way to give real relief to one’s system.

The mind needs detachment for rest. Unfortunately, rather than search within for remedy, the trend is to search for external causes and external solutions, often doubtful. To relieve the mind it is necessary to release it from all tension, whether physical, emotional or intellectual. Only when the mind is completely free does it enjoy rest and peace. This state of complete calmness is only possible through the scientific discipline of meditation.

Meditation is the sacred science of non attachment that alone can lead man to God-realisation. Gods we are born!  Sooner or later, willingly or unwillingly, we will have to reconcile to our divine heritage: the soul is potentially divine, and we took birth to attain this perfection, our true nature. We will be compelled to recognise meditation as the goal of existence.

The purpose of meditation as a spiritual discipline is to bring the mind by constant practice to dwell specifically on God. Progressively one attains the highest state of purity and is able to transcend the intellect. Unless there is this awareness of a transcendental state, meditation does not succeed. Meditation puts man in direct contact with the Supreme. It is a vital means to success in one’s spiritual life, whatever be the chosen path. To achieve this communion, this oneness with the Divine, absolute self discipline is important.

The meditator will have to gradually relinquish all attachment to material things. He has to become altogether detached from ordinary life and reduce his physical and bodily needs to a decent minimum. Worldly possessions, all aspirations, all attainments, in whatever field never bring peace or happiness, unless in accordance with spiritual requisites!

Although it sounds simple, it should be practised at the feet of a spiritual master. Without the grace of a sadguru, meditation is extremely difficult, almost impossible. A guru transmits spiritual power into the meditator to enable him reach higher levels of consciousness.  The gurumantra is indispensable for access to the great source of spiritual power handed down from timeless past. Together with the gurumantra, yogic breathing and a perfectly mastered yogic sitting posture that makes one lose all sense of body and allows one to sit still and firm, form the basis of the science of meditation.

Most of our energy is wasted in futile activities of practically no consequence. Rather than waste our life and energy on superficial, cheap living we should endeavour to devote that energy to the thought of God. We must learn to meditate and devote the maximum time we are able to spare, to its practice.

Meditation will help us capitalise on our energy. A bare minimum of energy is spent as someone sits perfectly relaxed for meditation. Also it shows us how to regain that energy and to redirect it positively. As one’s body and mind become more disciplined there will be more and more energy stored within. This tremendous extra energy will enable us to transcend our ordinary consciousness to a superconscious level. Meditation shows us the way to that higher state of bliss. One that will last through eternity!

The power of meditation can bring man everything.  Meditation gives intensity to our thoughts. The more concentrated they are, the more the potential power. All great minds of the world owe their success to the power of concentration. All knowledge in the world has to be gained through concentration. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. Even scientists unconsciously use the power of meditation for all their scientific discoveries. They study the subject, altogether forgetting everything else, even their own self. Only their subject and the mind exist. And in a flash the truth illumines their mind.

In meditation, the soul is trying to assert itself, immersed in its own glory.  Meditation brings man nearer to the Truth than anything else. God is no more the far off being of the azure vault.  God is here!  What is needed is constant effort and meditation will become man’s most powerful instrument.



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