During siddha kundalini initiation, divine energy, shakti flows from the guru to the aspirant and permeates his entire being. Because of different tendencies the response and experiences may vary, but the ultimate experience is identical for all. There cannot be two states of perfection.
Because of its subtle nature, some may have difficulty to experience its presence initially. How the seeker receives the shakti also depends on his temperament, his past and present karma. Absolute faith in the guru is of utmost importance: the holy gate of peace, love and devotion is unlocked by the grace of the guru. Awareness of the higher consciousness, self discipline and a constant prayerful attitude will enhance receptivity of the shakti. The disciple undergoes a complete transformation through the spiritual experiences. He gains increasing awareness of God.
Experiences in Siddha kundalini mahayoga meditation are manifold as the superconscious unfolds itself revealing the Atma (Self). There is a strong feeling of the divine presence. The experiences are so astounding and miraculous that it is difficult to give an accurate written picture. Every meditation is some new experience. One cannot imagine that such an ecstatic state, such perfect happiness could exist.
Many times one altogether loses body consciousness. One is spontaneously transported into a supernal world to have a taste of the sublime. Yet, one retains full awareness of the conscious plane while being witness to the superconscious reality. Bodiless, yet very conscious of one’s existence. The Soul, having a taste of the transcendental.
One might feel oneself as the silent inner witness-consciousness, the real ‘I’, the spirit manifesting itself in the higher mind, the super consciousness, quite apart from the physical body and senses. It is a most blissful and thrilling experience to find out that one can exist in the mind alone.
The experiences are infinite in their variety. Everything happens of its own accord. Without wishing or willing for them one witnesses everything spontaneously. One is transported in another world and loses consciousness of the body. One may feel a sensation of floating. There may be transportation of self, discovery of higher astral worlds. Spiritual visions abound in siddha meditation; experience of divine lights of different colors, beautiful panoramas of snow clad mountains, forests, lakes and rivers; hearing celestial melodies.
The more one surrenders to the shakti, the better the experiences. Rather than anticipate one has to allow things to happen of their own accord. One has to accept everything, even the unruly thoughts, as a gift of God. Only then will one enjoy a spontaneous state of well being.
Words alone cannot express every experience. Extraordinary sensations run through the entire body. It is something miraculous, something divine, a trance-like state. These supersensuous experiences are called kriyas. Kriyas are part of the purification of the mind and body. This process prepares body and mind for the higher stages of meditation. The mind becomes calmer and more peaceful.
Sometimes the kriyas consist of spontaneous body movements, vibrations all over the body. One might be swayed to and fro, have pulsations in the head, as if the head is expanding. The body may feel heavy and stiff like iron, at other times light as feather. There may be graceful movements of the arms and fingers. Part or the whole body might feel numb. Some dance in perfect classical styles; dance that is soul-inspired, subtle, spiritual and sublime, not body inspired, sensual, sexy and seductive. One dances with such grace that might put to shame a teacher of classical dance. Others laugh out of sheer joy or sob out their heart. They have the strong feeling of ridding themselves of all the bitter tears they had to perforce hold back for years. It is a mighty cleansing process.
Yogic kriyas and spiritual visions show that the spiritual centers, the chakras are getting activated. Visions of gods and goddesses, saints and other spiritual beings, with messages from them or warnings of forthcoming events may occur. Many are blessed with visions of deities such as Lord Krishna, Lord Ram, Lord Shiva, Lord Hanuman, Lord Jesus and his crucifixion, Virgin Mary, etc. One might see Lord Krishna dancing with Radha in a beautiful garden. For those who think that the thousand manifestations of God in the Hindu pantheon are mere figments of man’s imagination, these visions will convince them that the Gods had really appeared to man; what they ‘saw’ in meditation, they reproduced in pictures, statues etc.
One may experience beautiful astral shapes and sceneries, of the cosmic eye expanding in the stillness of the mind. These visions are not akin to those in dreams. Here they relate to the highest state, the superconscious state of the mind. Dreams are but impressions of the lesser, conscious and subconscious states of mind.
Colored lights seen in meditation correspond to the colors of one’s aura, which is the emanation of life force from one’s gross and subtle bodies. They hint at the level of one’s evolution. They reveal one’s character, aspirations and tendencies. Some colors also correspond to various astral worlds. These colorful lights are much more vivid and bright than ordinary lights. They brighten up the dark screen of one’s ignorant mind.
Very often one has the vision of fire in its various aspects; a great flame or as a fire, symbolical of the spiritual purification process going on within one’s own soul. These visions are accompanied by sublime moments of sheer joy, feeling oneself in a world of love and light. One comes to enjoy innumerable, wonderful visions, each more beautiful and revealing than the last. Like a live TV on the screen of the mind. Often they are very meaningful and offer hints to solve existing problems.
Spontaneous yogic postures occur in Siddha kundalini mahayoga meditation. Meditators find themselves performing difficult postures like the headstand, without ever having done any hatha yoga before; and without feeling afraid at all. The movements are supple and graceful, happen of their own accord, without any effort. They may perform complex hatha yoga postures which they had never learned before. So supple are these spontaneous movements, as if all bones have melted away. But they may not be able to repeat these postures once meditation is over.
Some see themselves performing yogic postures on the screen of the mind. Others have different types of breathing and may perform pranayama exercises such as bellows breathing, abdominal lift or alternate nostril breathing. Chanting the guru mantra in a most delightful way is yet another delightful experience.
Meditation is just like a divine elixir which brings lasting happiness. The beautiful experiences enjoyed in siddha meditation make us understand that there is more in this life to be treasured. These experiences make us discover faith. They galvanize one’s faith in both God and the guru. They bring much joy and peace. They sometimes linger on in the mind, days, weeks and months even. Some remain engraved as vivid scenes and bring immense pleasure and happiness. One is so happy that no place is left for stress and worry. And most important, there is a strong feeling of contentment never experienced before. Just remembering them brings with it an ever new thrill!
Spontaneous meditation helps regain physical, moral and social stability and aid in resolving all problems. These are more easily tackled and solved, leading to inner peace, success in studies or at work. Worldly life changes do occur, some experiencing changes of fortune, miraculous cure of diseases. Chronic disease may subside, while latent ailments may surface to be finally expelled from the system. Undesirable habits or addictions are many a time given up. In many cases of mental problems, the patient gives up all medication; some lucky ones, on the very day of initiation! Their new miracle drug is meditation, the long awaited elixir. It acts as spiritual medication to their body, yielding miraculous results where costly drugs failed.
In this jet set world, man neither has time nor energy for tedious protracted methods. Other yoga disciplines require the aspirant to strive hard with time consuming practices. Siddha kundalini yoga provides an easy, natural path with little personal effort. Cut off from the body, in communion with the divine, one feels free from all fears, cares, pain and sickness. We find ourselves in a spiritual wonderland, suffused with splendor that is scarcely perceived in mundane life, hinting to the promised kingdom of God.
However, reading or hearing about siddha meditation without coming in contact with a siddha guru does not open the gates of the superconscious. Immediate transformation of the inner being occurs only with the guru’s grace. What would generally take a life time is achieved in a short time with the least effort: unraveling a new reality that seconds before sounded senseless to the average mind.
Siddha kundalini mahayoga meditation offers the sacred key that would open the door to God realisation. The guru shows the way. It is up to the aspirant to progress. As in all yoga paths, to benefit fully from the awakening of the divine kundalini shakti one should put into practice the Yamas and Niyamas, the eternal moral values and moral virtues.