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Postures already learnt in previous weeks serve as basis to more advanced ones. We will notice that by simply adding some extra movements to them, we are obtaining more and more advanced postures.

The veins are among the weakest components of the circulatory system.  The leg veins are especially at risk having to support the weight of the blood in the whole body.  More and more people have to stand for longer hours because of the nature of their work.  They are more prone to varicose veins, a disturbing and sometimes very painful condition.  The practice of reverse postures is especially beneficial in these cases.

Lion postures help those with throat ailments.  Finger tension will relieve all stress in hands and fingers, excellent for our computer marathoners. We have scores of cases who got cured of longstanding finger stiffness or arthritis of the hands.

As from this week we have two more postures Palm Tree III – Talasana III (Fig 103) and Palm Tree IV – Talasana IV (Fig 105) that can be used as warm up.  We can alternate them with the previous Palm Tree postures.











Catching both toesSapta Padangusth Asana II

  1. Lie on back, legs together, arms alongside body. Breathe out. (Fig 108)

    FIG 108
  2. Breathing in raise arms to touch floor behind head.(Fig 109)

    FIG 109
  3. Breathing out, raise both legs together. (Fig 110)

    FIG 110
  4. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  5. Hook big toes with index (Fig 111) or catch ankles with hands. (Fig 112) Breathe out.
    FIG 111


    FIG 112


  6. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  7. Breathing in, slowly lower arms and legs. (Fig 109)
  8. Breathing out, lower arms to (Fig 108)


Reverse postureViparitakarani asana

  1. Lie on back, legs together, arms alongside body. Breathe in. (Fig 108)
  2. Breathing out, raise hips, keeping knees bent. Use hands to support hips. Breathe out. (Fig 113)

    FIG 113
  3. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  4. Breathing in, straighten forelegs towards head. Breathe out. (Fig 114)

    FIG 114
  5. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  6. Breathing out, lower arms and lower legs towards head. (Fig 115)

    FIG 115
  7. Breathing in, slowly lower back to floor (Fig 116) then legs. (Fig 108)

    FIG 116


Cobra postureBhujanga Asana

  1. Lie flat on tummy, forehead on floor. Place palms on floor, level with armpits. Breathe out. (Fig 117)

    FIG 117
  2. Breathing in, slowly raise head. Keep elbows bent, lift shoulders and trunk as far as possible. Breathe out. (Fig 118)

    FIG 118
  3. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  4. Breathe out, lower body to rest forehead on floor. (Fig 117)


Swan postureHansasana

  1. Lie flat on tummy, forehead on floor. Place palms on floor, level with armpits. Breathe out. (Fig 117)

    FIG 117
  2. Breathe in. Keeping palms and knees on floor press on hands (Fig 119) and raise body backwards (Fig 120) to sit on heels (Fig 121)
    FIG 119
    FIG 120



    FIG 121







3. Place chin (Fig 121) or forehead (Fig 122) between arms on floor. Breathe out.

FIG 122

4. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.

5. Breathing in raise body and sit back on heels, hands on knees. (Fig 123)

FIG 123

Thunderbolt posture II Vajrasana II

  1. Sit on heels, palms resting on knees. Breathe out. (Fig 123)
  2. Cross fingers (Fig 124). Breathing in, raise arms above head.(Fig 125)

    FIG 124
FIG 125









3. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.

4. Breathing out, lower arms to rest on knees. (Fig 123)


Fish posture IMatsyasana I

  1. Sit thunderbolt. Breathe out. (Fig 123)
  2. Lean backwards, place palms on floor, fingers pointing forward. Breathe out. (Fig 126)

    FIG 126
  3. Breathe in, lower body. Place one elbow after another on floor. (Fig 127)

    FIG 127
  4. Slowly slide forearms towards body. Rest crown of head on floor, arms on thighs. Breathe out. (Fig 128)

    FIG 128
  5. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  6. Breathe out. Place palms on either side of head. Lower head. Breathe in. (Fig 129)

    FIG 129
  7. Breathe out. Place elbows on floor. (Fig 127) With help of arms raise body to sit up. (Fig 126).
  8. Relax, sitting thunderbolt. (Fig 123)


Lion posture I Simhasana I

  1. Sit thunderbolt posture, palms on knees. Breathe out. (Fig 123)

    FIG 123
  2. Spread fingers freely, hands just touching knees. (Fig 130)

    FIG 130
  3. Breathe in, hold. Pull out tongue and press chin against throat. (Fig 131) Fix gaze between eyebrows. (Fig 131).

    FIG 131
  4. Hold posture as long as comfortable, 5-30 seconds.
  5. Pull in tongue. Raise chin. Relax fingers. Breathe out.  (Fig 130)


Lion Posture IISimhasana II

  1. Sit thunderbolt posture, palms on knees. Breathe out. (Fig 123)
  2. Spread fingers and press palms hard against knees. (Fig 132)

    FIG 132
  3. Breathe in, hold. Pull out tongue and press chin against throat. Fix gaze between eyebrows. (Fig 133).

    FIG 133
  4. Hold posture as long as comfortable, 5-30 seconds.
  5. Pull in tongue. Raise chin. Relax fingers. Breathe out. (Fig 123)


Finger tension – Hastapawanmukta          

  1. Sit thunderbolt posture. Breathe out. (Fig 123)
  2. Breathing in, tense fingers, close fists slowly, maintaining tension in both forearm and fingers. (Fig 134)

    FIG 134
  3. Breathing out, open fists, all the while maintaining tension in forearm and fingers. (Fig 135)

    FIG 135
  4. Repeat 5-10 times.
  5. Relax tension in forearms and fingers.



CORPSE POSTURE 5-10 minutes

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