Name: BHIM
DOB: 1987
Sex: Male
Complaints and duration:
Past History:
Not significant
The onset of depressive symptoms at an early age, and its severity suggest a guarded prognosis.
The salient feature of this case:
- Depression
- Allergy.
Depression is a common but serious illness. A depressive disorder interferes with daily life and causes pain for both the patient and those around. Research has resulted in medications, psychotherapies, and other methods to treat this disabling disorder.
Depression has a variety of symptoms. In this case they were:
- A profound feeling of sadness, anxiety, emptiness, hopelessness.
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Fatigue or lack of energy, irritability or restlessness.
- Loss of interest in or enjoyment of favorite activities.
- Trouble concentrating.
- Aches, pains or digestive problems resistant to treatment.
Depression is a universal condition, yet many sufferers or their family avoid seeking treatment as they worry what others will think of them. It results from a combination of factors. A disorder of the brain, it is associated with imbalance in the brain neurotransmitters. The most common treatments are medication and psychotherapy.
Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Allergic reactions occur to allergens which are normally harmless environmental substances. Common allergic reactions include eczema, hay fever, asthma, food allergies, and reactions to the venom of stinging insects.
Traditional treatment and management of allergies consisted simply of avoiding the allergen in question or otherwise reducing exposure. Several antagonistic drugs help to alleviate the symptoms of allergy but play little role in chronic treatment of allergic disorders. Desensitization or hyposensitization may help in some cases. A study by the Mayo Clinic through 2006 showed no effectiveness of homeopathic treatments and no difference compared with placebo.
Effects of Meditation and Yoga
Bhim was a bright student in secondary school, always top of his class. As he lived quite far from his school he had to commute daily over long distances. Over time this proved to be an additional stress on his system. Unfortunately, because of some problem at school he started suffering from depression. His condition worsened as he could not get any support from his teachers.
“I was in secondary school. I suffered from severe depression. For days on end I was in a state of altered consciousness. I had to stay in bed most of the time. I could not bring myself to do anything, nor was I able to remember anything either. I could not differentiate between hot and cold. I had no appetite and could only bring myself to eat some sandwich and chips. I followed some treatment, but rather than improve, my condition got worse. These attacks occurred every other week. I could not attend classes. My studies suffered.”*
His studies suffered as he could hardly be regular with his studies. Bhim was taken to several doctors for treatment, to no avail. His psychiatric and physical symptoms did not get any better. He could not follow his studies. Once a bright student, his exam results suffered.
“I lost my self confidence. On and off, for years I was subject to these attacks. My studies suffered and I had average results. I also suffered from chronic constipation. Doctors advise me to take laxative daily. Still the problem persisted. I had always had a balance diet comprised mainly of vegetables. I underwent a lot of medical tests, however nothing abnormal was detected. Some doctors even told me laxatives would remain a lifelong need.”*
His father who had been a meditator, brought him to Yoginiji for some solution.
“Seeing my plight my father took me to the ashram again. I started attending meditation weekly and daily I would meditate at home. My condition gradually improved. I could pick up my studies again. Now my thoughts are clearer and I have quite a good mental capacity. I am now more self confident.”*
Gradually his condition improved. After some time he could resume his studies and took admission for a management course. In fact his general health also benefited from his meditation.
My health has also greatly improved. Colds and flu no longer trouble me. Before, I always had to take medication because of seasonal fluctuations.
He joined hatha yoga classes and this further helped in his cure.
Yoga has also improved my physical health. My body is no longer stiff. It is now very supple. As an aftermath of depression, the left part of my body always felt somewhat weaker. At times, I could not even hold a bottle of water. However after yoga practice, I have recovered my strength and my body is back to normal.*
(* Excerpts from article Bhim, Magazine 4, 2011, P77-80)
Depression had played havoc in Bhim’s life. When he started meditation he felt a change in himself. This gave him courage and hope. He felt he had a chance of getting cured. The prana building up through meditation helped him stabilize his system and fight against the negative tendencies generated by the altered state of the neurotransmitters in his brain.
It is well known that depressive conditions lead to an increase in other diseases like allergy. Once the root cause is tackled, these conditions have a tendency to regress spontaneously.
The intake of prana through meditation not only helped surmount the depression, but being distributed throughout the body, strengthened his whole system. The allergies he had been prone to, were cured. Later he would join hatha yoga classes and this would help him further build up a stock of prana. He could thus recover all his physical faculties. The weakness he had developed in his muscles because of depression and heavy medication were counteracted by the additional intake of prana.
The prana went to heal the pathology at the base of these changes and stabilize his whole body biochemistry. What had been lacking was provided by the inflow of additional prana. He could eventually build up a reserve of prana to fight any subsequent pathology. His homeostasis was restored, leading to his complete cure.