Case history no 32
Takayasu disease
Takayasu disease, Takayasu’s arteritis or Pulseless disease, is an inflammation of the aorta, the artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body, and its major branches.
The causes are unknown. It occurs mainly in children and women younger than 30, especially those who are of Asian or African descent. It appears to be an autoimmune condition and may involve other systems.
Early detection is important. Treatment of Takayasu arteritis is difficult, but those who do have the right treatment can see positive results. Most patients are treated with steroids and immunosuppressive drugs. Surgery is reserved for complications caused by narrowed arteries. Angioplasty or stent placement may be needed to supply blood or open up the constriction.
This disease can be fatal. However, with a combination of aggressive medical and surgical treatment, death rates have dropped dramatically. In well managed cases the long-term survival rate is greater than 90%. The survival rate is better for adults than for children.
Bhim, the elder brother of the patient is giving his testimony about his younger sister. The patient is an 18 yrs old student who had been coming on and off for meditation. However, she was extremely reluctant to follow the health advice given to her and used to enjoy junk/fast food. She would not meditate at home nor practice yoga. Obviously she got into trouble.
“My younger sister had been ailing for some time for no obvious reason. She had poor vision and suffered from chronic headache. She was sweating a lot at the night and tired throughout the day. Many doctors failed to examine and diagnose her properly.”*
The patient had been going for check-up. Unfortunately she was taken as a routine case of stress caused by her heavy schedule of higher studies. We advised Bhim to have her properly checked and recommended her to an acquaintance, a specialist physician.
“It was discovered that she had severe hypertension. She had to undergo urgent dilatation of the renal artery. She was the first case to be diagnosed with this illness and treated at her young age in the country.”*
After the intervention she was alright for some time. But she did not change her wrong habits. The disease condition had been alleviated temporarily. But the underlying pathology was still active and she was not prepared to remedy it by changing her wrong habits. Further investigations finally showed the proper diagnosis.
“Recently, just before her exams, she was diagnosed with advanced Takayasu’s syndrome, another rare disease. The doctor said her chances of responding to medication were uncertain.”*Â
Her case was very serious. Again she was told what would be proper for her case. This time she followed our advice and sure enough she got better.
“She will be healed if she changes her eating habits and unruly behaviour….Today my sister is much better and doctors are now able to put her on lower doses of medication. Hopefully, the doctors said, she may be put off medication one day. Before, she was very fond of junk foods and all sort of soft drinks. She was not willing to change her habits.*Â
“Now she has learnt the lesson. She regularly practises yoga, eats healthy food and leads a disciplined life. She could sit for her Higher School Certificate exams at the end of last year. She has passed her exams with distinction in all subjects.”*
(*Excerpts from article Bhim Magazine 4, 2011 P 77-80)
Effect of Yoga and Meditation
This is a typical case where the holistic approach, including proper diet, yoga and meditation bringing excellent results in a short period. Previous wrong eating and wrong habits proved to be detrimental to the homeostasis of the body. She suffered from a rare auto immune disorder which could have proved fatal in a relatively short period.
Once she started yoga and meditation seriously, there was an immediate inflow of prana. A change in diet would further reinforce the healing process. According to the latest report, the patient is doing well on minimal corticosteroid therapy. Angiography reports show considerable re-vascularization and shunt formation.
Treating doctors hope to considerably decrease and hopefully stop her steroids in future. They are surprised to witness so much improvement in so short a time period.