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This week will be devoted to the mastery of the Surya Namaskar.  It will be quite hectic at the outset, especially to synchronise breathing with the postures.  But it will be worth the effort.  It is an amazing combination of postures for perfect health.

Surya Namaskar stimulates almost every system in our body – the cardiovascular system because it makes the heart stronger, the digestive system as well as the nervous system.  It also improves the functioning of the endocrine glands like the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands.

Head stand comes as a blessing from the blue. There is reduced pressure on the veins.  The shoulder stand, head stand and inverse postures should be regularly practiced, if not daily.  In these postures the blood flows back to the heart with less effort.  It will be a great relief to the blood vessels and their owner!  These postures give the most astounding results.  The fragile blood vessels are rejuvenated.  In many cases varicose veins may be healed.


Salutation to SunSurya Namaskar


  1. Stand, legs close together, hands folded. (Prayer pose) (Fig 350)

    FIG 350
  2. Breathing in, raise arms above head. Lock fingers, turn palms up. (Palm tree) (Fig 351).  Bend backwards.(Crescent) (Fig 352)
    FIG 351

    FIG 352









3. Breathing out, bend forwards, place palms on floor. (Stork) (Fig 353)

FIG 353
  1. Breathing in, send right leg behind.(Equestrian)(Fig 354)

    FIG 354
  2. Breathing out, raise head. (Equestrian) (Fig 355)

    FIG 355
  3. Breathing in, raise arms up. (Crescent lunge) (Fig 356)

    FIG 356
  4. Breathing out, lower arms, palms on floor. (Equestrian) (Fig 354)

    FIG 354
  5. Breathing in, send left leg back, raise body. (Elephant) (Fig 357)

    FIG 357
  6. Breathing out, plunge forward, body parallel to floor, (Log) (Fig 358).

    FIG 358
  7. Breathing in, raise trunk (Cobra). (Fig 359)

    FIG 359
  8. Breathing out, raise body (Elephant). (Fig 357)

    FIG 357
  9. Breathe in. Kneel down (Cat) (Fig 360).

    FIG 360
  10. Breathing out, rest chin and chest on floor. (Ashtanga) (Fig 361)

    FIG 361
  11. Breathing in, raise trunk (Cobra). (Fig 362)

    FIG 362
  12. Breathing out, raise body. (Elephant) (Fig357)

    FIG 357
  13. Breathing in, send right leg forward. (Equestrian) (Fig 363)

    FIG 363
  14. Breathing out, raise head. (Equestrian) (Fig 364)

    FIG 364
  15. Breathing in, raise arms up. (Crescent lunge) (Fig 365).

    FIG 365
  16. Breathing out, lower arms, palms on floor. (Equestrian) (Fig 363)

    FIG 363
  17. Breathing in, send right leg back. (Elephant) (Fig 357)

    FIG 357
  18. Breathing out, plunge forward, body parallel to floor. (Log) (Fig 358).

    FIG 358
  19. Breathing in, raise trunk (Cobra). (Fig 359)

    FIG 359
  20. Breathing out, raise body. (Elephant) (Fig 357)

    FIG 357
  21. Breathing in, kneel down (Cat) (Fig 360).

    FIG 360
  22. Breathing out, rest chin and chest on floor. (Ashtanga) (Fig 361)

    FIG 361
  23. Breathing in, raise trunk (Cobra). (Fig 362)

    FIG 362
  24. Breathing out, raise body. (Elephant) (Fig 357)

    FIG 357
  25. Breathe in, kneel down. (Cat) (Fig 360)

    FIG 360
  26. Breathe out, sit on heels (Thunderbolt)(Fig 366)

    FIG 366
  27. Breathe in, raise arms. (Thunderbolt) (Fig 367)

    FIG 367
  28. Breathing out, bend forwards, stretch arms on floor. (Swan) (Fig 368)

    FIG 368
  29. Breathing in, raise body. (Elephant) (Fig 357)

    FIG 357
  30. Breathing out, plunge forward, body parallel to floor. (Log) (Fig 358).

    FIG 358
  31. Breathing in, raise trunk (Cobra) (Fig 359).

    FIG 359
  32. Breathing out, raise body. (Elephant) (Fig 357)

    FIG 357
  33. Breathing in. Kneel down (Cat) (Fig 360).

    FIG 360
  34. Breathing out, rest chin and chest on floor (Ashtanga) (Fig 361)

    FIG 361
  35. Breathing in, raise trunk (Cobra). (Fig 362)

    FIG 362
  36. Breathing out, raise body. (Elephant) (Fig 357)

    FIG 357
  37. Breathing in, first send right leg, then left leg in front to squat.(Squat) (Fig 369)

    FIG 369
  38. Breathing out, straighten knees, raise body halfway. (Stork) (Fig 353)

    FIG 353
  39. Breathing in, straighten up, hands folded. (Prayer pose) (Fig 350).
    FIG 350

    This completes one of the two sets that make up a complete Surya Namaskar.

  40. Relax, Corpse at least 5 minutes.
  41. Complete the second set, this time sending left leg behind first.

For those who cannot cope with two sets at a time there is no harm to perform one set one day and the other set, starting with the other leg the following day.


Tripod head stand II- Salamba Shirshasana II

Stage 2

  1. Kneel down. Place hands on floor either side of knees. (Fig 370)

    FIG 370
  2. Bend to rest crown of head on floor to form a triangle with hands. (Fig 371)

    FIG 371
  3. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  4. Breathing in, raise body. (Fig 372)
    FIG 372

    Take small steps forward (Fig 373)

    FIG 373

    until trunk is perpendicular to floor (Fig 374)

    FIG 374

    and legs rise off floor. (Fig 375)

    FIG 375
  5. Bend knees, toes pointing up. Breathe out.  (Fig 376)

    FIG 376
  6. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  7. Raise thighs parallel to floor. (Fig 377)

    FIG 377
  8. Maintain posture. Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
  9. Breathing out, keeping knees bent, slowly lower thighs to Fig 376.

    FIG 376
  10. Breathing out, straighten knees. (Fig 375)
    FIG 375

    Lower legs to floor.(Fig 371)

    FIG 371
  11. Sit back on heels. Rest forehead on hands. (Fig 378)
    FIG 378

    Complete 3-5 breathing rounds. Remember, we should never try to sit or stand up abruptly after head stand to avoid the risk of vertigo.

  12. Relax, corpse posture, 5 minutes.



CORPSE POSTURE 5-10 minutes

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