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  1. Lion posture – Simhasana*
  2. Finger tension – Hastapawanmukta*


  1. SQUAT POSTURE – Arms in Garudasana
  1. Stand feet together, hands on sides. (Fig 148)

    FIG 148
  2. Breathe in, raising arms perpendicular to floor, rise on toes. (Fig 149)

    FIG 149
  3. Breathe out, slowly squat down.(Fig 150)

    FIG 150
  4. Sit on heels. Bend elbows. Cross arms in front of chest, so that the right arm is above the left. Place right elbow into the crook of the left, and raise the forearms perpendicular to the floor. Place palms together, fingers pointing up. (Fig 151)

    FIG 151
  5. Maintain posture. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  6. Repeat with the arms positions reversed. (Fig 152)

    FIG 152
  7. Relax.




  1. Lie flat on tummy. (Fig 153)

    FIG 153
  2. Spread legs wide apart, toes down, arms wide open. (Fig 154)

    FIG 154
  3. Chest and chin on floor, tuck tummy in, raise knees and hips off ground. (Fig 155)

    FIG 155
  4. Maintain posture for 2-3 breathing rounds.
  5. Come down, flat on tummy. (Fig 154)
  6. Relax.




  1. Kneel down, knees together, legs apart, toes flat. (Fig 156)

    FIG 156
  2. Slowly sit between heels. (Fig 157 )
  3. Rest palms on thighs or knees. Breathe out. (Fig 157)

    FIG 157
  4. Hold right wrist with left hand, behind back. (Fig 158)

    FIG 158
  5. Breathe in. Raise arms behind back, perpendicular to floor.
  6. Breathe out. Bend forwards and try to touch head to floor in front of knees. (Fig 159)

    FIG 159
  7. Maintain posture for 2-3 breathing rounds.
  8. Lower arms. Raise trunk back. (Fig 158)
  9. Sit with palms on thighs or knees. (Fig 157)
  10. Relax.


  2. Sit on heels. (Fig 160 )

    FIG 160
  3. Kneel down, legs together, toes flat. Interlace fingers and raise arms above head. (Fig 161)

    FIG 161
  4. Maintain posture for 2-3 breathing rounds.
  5. Sit on heels. (Fig 162)

    FIG 162
  6. Raise trunk and move hip to sit down on right leg. Keep upper body straight. (Fig 163, 163a)
    FIG 163

    FIG 163a
  7. Maintain posture for 2-3 breathing rounds.
  8. Repeat steps 5,6, for 2-3 times.
  9. Raise trunk and move hip to sit down on left leg. Keep upper body straight. (Fig 164) 



    FIG 164
  10. Maintain posture for 2-3 breathing rounds.
  11. Repeat step 8,9 for 2-3 times.
  12. Raise trunk and sit on heels. (Fig 162)
  13. Relax.


  1. Stand feet apart, hands on sides. (Fig 165)

    FIG 165
  2. Breathe in. Bend head down, chin touching neck. (Fig 166)

    FIG 166
  3. Maintain posture for 2-3 breathing rounds.
  4. Raise head. Lean trunk forward. (Fig 167)

    FIG 167
  5. Maintain posture for 2-3 breathing rounds.
  6. Breathe out. Straighten body. (Fig 165)
  7. Breathe in. Arch back, moving head and trunk backwards to the maximum. (Fig 168)

    FIG 168
  8. Maintain posture for 2-3 breathing rounds.
  9. Breathe out. Straighten body. (Fig 165)
  10. Relax.


  1. RELAX, 5-10 MINS, Corpse posture – Shavasana*

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