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  1. Salutation to sun – Surya namaskar*
  2. Lion posture – Simhasana*
  3. Finger tension – Hastapawanmukta*




  1. Kneel down. Place hands on floor either side of knees. (Fig 169)

    FIG 169
  2. Bend to rest crown of head on floor to form a triangle with hands. (Fig 170, 170a)
    FIG 170
    FIG 170a






  1. Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
  2. Breathing in, raise body. (Fig 171) Take small steps forward (Fig 172) until trunk is perpendicular to floor (Fig 173) and legs rise off floor.
    fig 171
    fig 172

    fig 173
  3. Bend knees, toes pointing up. Breathe out.  (Fig 174)

    FIG 174
  4. Breathing in, slowly straighten legs, toes pointing up. (Fig 175, 175a)
    FIG 175

    FIG 175a
  5. Bend right leg, passing right foot behind left ankle. Legs may be lowered with thighs parallel to floor.(Fig 176)

    FIG 176
  6. Maintain posture for 3-5 breathing rounds.
  7. Repeat on opposite side, with left leg bent, left foot behind right ankle.
  8. Straighten legs. (Fig 175)
  9. Breathing out, reverse steps to come down. Slowly lower legs to rest knees on floor (Fig 170).
  10. Sit back on heels. Rest forehead on arms. (Fig 177). Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
    FIG 177

    Never try to sit or stand up abruptly after head stand to avoid the risk of vertigo.

  11. Relax corpse posture, at least 5 minutes.


5.6.7. SHOULDER STAND – (Unsupported) I, II, III – Nirlamba sarvangasana I, II, III


  1. Lie on back, legs together, arms alongside body, palms down. (Fig 178)

    FIG 178
  2. Breathing out, raise legs towards head. Place hands against back to support hips.(Fig 179)

    FIG 179
  3. Breathing in, raise legs perpendicular to floor, toes pointing up. Keep chin pressed against chest.  Breathe out. (Shoulder stand) (Fig 180)

    FIG 180
  4. Breathing in, lower arms to floor. (Fig 181) (Nirlamba sarvangasana I)

    FIG 181
  5. Maintain posture. Complete 2-3 breathing rounds.
  6. Breathing in, raise arms parallel to legs, palms flat close to knees. (Fig 182) (Nirlamba sarvangasana II)
    FIG 182


  7. Maintain posture. Complete 2-3 breathing rounds. 8. Breathing in, send arms behind head. (Fig 183, 183a) (Nirlamba sarvangasana III)
    FIG 183
    FIG 183a

    9. Maintain posture. Complete 2-3 breathing rounds.10.Breathing out, send arms to floor behind back, lower legs towards head. (Fig 184)

    FIG 184
  8. Breathing in, slowly lower back first (Fig 185),
    FIG 185

    then legs to floor. (Fig 178) (As far as possible, trunk should be maintained as close to perpendicular as possible to floor.)

  9. Relax.


  1. Shoulder raising & Shoulder rolling posture – Grivavartasana*


  1. RELAX, 5-10 Mins. Corpse posture – Shavasana *

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