- Salutation to sun – Surya namaskar*
- Lion posture – Simhasana*
- Finger tension – Hastapawanmukta*
- Kneel down. Place hands on floor either side of knees. (Fig 169)
- Bend to rest crown of head on floor to form a triangle with hands. (Fig 170, 170a)
- Complete 1-2 breathing rounds.
- Breathing in, raise body. (Fig 171) Take small steps forward (Fig 172) until trunk is perpendicular to floor (Fig 173) and legs rise off floor.
- Bend knees, toes pointing up. Breathe out. (Fig 174)
- Breathing in, slowly straighten legs, toes pointing up. (Fig 175, 175a)
- Bend right leg, passing right foot behind left ankle. Legs may be lowered with thighs parallel to floor.(Fig 176)
- Maintain posture for 3-5 breathing rounds.
- Repeat on opposite side, with left leg bent, left foot behind right ankle.
- Straighten legs. (Fig 175)
- Breathing out, reverse steps to come down. Slowly lower legs to rest knees on floor (Fig 170).
- Sit back on heels. Rest forehead on arms. (Fig 177). Complete 3-5 breathing rounds.
Never try to sit or stand up abruptly after head stand to avoid the risk of vertigo.
- Relax corpse posture, at least 5 minutes.
5.6.7. SHOULDER STAND – (Unsupported) I, II, III – Nirlamba sarvangasana I, II, III
- Lie on back, legs together, arms alongside body, palms down. (Fig 178)
- Breathing out, raise legs towards head. Place hands against back to support hips.(Fig 179)
- Breathing in, raise legs perpendicular to floor, toes pointing up. Keep chin pressed against chest. Breathe out. (Shoulder stand) (Fig 180)
- Breathing in, lower arms to floor. (Fig 181) (Nirlamba sarvangasana I)
- Maintain posture. Complete 2-3 breathing rounds.
- Breathing in, raise arms parallel to legs, palms flat close to knees. (Fig 182) (Nirlamba sarvangasana II)
- Maintain posture. Complete 2-3 breathing rounds. 8. Breathing in, send arms behind head. (Fig 183, 183a) (Nirlamba sarvangasana III)
9. Maintain posture. Complete 2-3 breathing rounds.10.Breathing out, send arms to floor behind back, lower legs towards head. (Fig 184)
- Breathing in, slowly lower back first (Fig 185),
then legs to floor. (Fig 178) (As far as possible, trunk should be maintained as close to perpendicular as possible to floor.)
- Relax.
- Shoulder raising & Shoulder rolling posture – Grivavartasana*
- RELAX, 5-10 Mins. Corpse posture – Shavasana *